Jefferson County Mapping System :: Help Manual
1. Introduction & Specifications
2. Navigation Tools
    - Parcel Info Tool 
   - Clear
   - Search
   - Print
5. Advanced Tools
   - Measure Tool
   -Bookmark Tool
7. Tabs
    - Help Tab
   - Map Layers Tab

Introduction and Specifications


Welcome to the Jefferson County Mapping system. The application was produced collaboratively by the County GIS dept. and a consortium of other Oregon County / City agencies (especially Polk, Crook, and Lincoln Counties and the City of Corvallis).  Custom programming was completed by Houston Engineering.  GeoMoose is used for the mapping interface which is an open source application based on mapserver and Open Layers (other JavaScript libraries are also referenced).  Spatial and tabular data is stored in a PostGIS database

The application has been developed to be compatible with all modern internet browsers including Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome and Safari.

We recommend you have at least 256MB of RAM on your computer. 

Internet Connection
To get the best out of our mapping system you need to have as fast an internet connection as possible. We recommend DSL, Cable or higher internet connectivity.


Like many other web-based applications users will be prompted to allow pop-ups for the site. If you are using versions of Internet Explorer you will be automatically prompted to either temporarily or permanently allow pop-ups from this site. Alternatively go to Tools, Internet Options, select the Privacy tab and under Pop-up Blocker click Settings. Next, type and press Add to make sure pop-ups are allowed for this site.

Yahoo and Google toolbars installed in Internet Explorer also contain pop-up blockers. If you allow pop-ups in Internet Explorer these toolbars will continue to block pop-ups by default. For instructions on disabling them visit


There are multiple versions of the County mappings system running, consequently not all of the tools described in this document will be available to all users. Tools only available in the expanded subscription and staff services are noted in red. Any questions? Contact the GIS dept. Tel: 541-416-3930 Email:

Map Accuracy

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the data provided. Apparent positional errors between the air photo, parcels, roads and buildings layers are due to the current DOR rural map accuracy standards. By the end of 2011 this difference should be improved substantially through the cooperation of County GIS, the County Surveyor and the Dept. of Revenue.

Navigation Tools

The Zoom In tool allows you to zoom into an area smaller than the area currently visible on the map window. To zoom in to a specific area of interest, click the zoom in button and move your cursor to a corner of the map you wish to zoom to. Press and hold the left mouse button and drag a rectangle around the remaining portion of the area of interest. When you have defined the zoom-to area, release the left mouse button. The map will zoom into the area you designated. Alternatively you can click on the map zooming the display into a specific location.

The Zoom Out tool allows you to zoom out to an area larger than what is currently visible on the map window. To zoom out, click the zoom out button, then click on the map at the spot in which you want to zoom out from. The map will zoom out and re-center on that point. Alternatively you can also click and drag a Zoom Out window.

The Zoom Back tool allows you to go back to the previous extent you were viewing.

The Pan tool allows you to re-center the map without zooming in or out. To pan, click the pan button, then either click on the map at the point you wish to re-center the map to, or press and hold the left mouse button down and drag the map to the desired location and release the left mouse button.

Basic Tools

  The Parcel Info tool allows you to click on a parcel on the map display and obtain additional information about it. The information is provided in the results frame to the right.

The Clear button allows any highlighted  features to be cleared and removed from the map.  This is needed after a search selects taxlots, graphics are sketched on the map, or a line / area is measured.


The Search Tools allows for tax lots to be found based on the following criteria:

Maptaxlot number


Street Address

Owners Name

In addition, it allows for chosen roads or places to be highlighted in the map

  The Print tool allows you to print the map display.  You will be asked for the size of the image and the quality.  You are also able to specify a title. 

Sketch Tools


There are a number of sketch tools available from this drop-down menu.  Just hover over the menu and a number of options are available to mark up the map by adding lines, points or text. 


Advanced Tools


There are a number of sketch tools available from this drop-down menu.  Just hover over the menu and a number of options are available to mark up the map by adding lines, points or text. 



From the advanced tools menu you can:

Measure length -

Measure Area -

Save a bookmark and send the map location to another person. 


Find Place


You can easily zoom to a particular community in Jefferson County by choosing a place from the drop-down list e.g.Prineville, Post, Paulina, North Powell Butte and South Powell Butte. 


Map Layers Tab

The Layers tab opens the layers window. This window shows available layers in the Jefferson County mapping system and allows for interactive display of those layers.    

Click on the folder icon to see what layers are available. 

To turn a layer on click in the small box to add a check.

Click on the actual name of the layer to have more options; you are able to fade the layer, hide the legend, and see meta data about this feature.

Note: If the name of the layer is grayed out, then it is not available for viewing at that scale; either zoom in or out to view the mapping layer